
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A New Way To Teach Your Child Multiplication

   Learning new things doesn't always come natural to everyone, especially when it isn't something that you like. For me, that thing was multiplication. I didn't see the need to learn it and I had a really difficult time memorizing it. Eventually, it kicked in, but I really wished I had a different way to learn.

      I was delighted to learn that there is a different way to learn from my son's third grade teacher. This is the year that they are really going to focus on multiplication. I'm so grateful that this teacher makes learning fun. Everything in her classroom is designed to help the student think for themselves and learn. So when we went to curriculum night, she gave us a few pointers and my favorite was this one. No longer do you have to figure out how to use a numbers graph to get your answer.

     Now you can print out numbers with all of the answers on 
them and I made it easy for you by creating a printable

     In this picture, you see the number three. In order to find out what 3x3 is, you start at the number three and count to three to get the number 9. This works for every number that's in the printable. The video below shows you how to use each number to find your answer. Pardon all of the noise. I sent my children upstairs, thinking it would be quieter, but it was actually louder.


      In the printout that you can download for free, all of the numbers are plain. I used construction paper when printing to make the numbers more colorful and laminated them for shine and durability. 

I hope that you will can use this tool with ease and enjoy it! 

What ways have you taught your kids multiplication?

Click here for the free printout. 


  1. OMG THIS IS ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!!!! No but seriously. I want to print these out for when my kid is old enough to start learning math!!!

    1. This comment has made me so happy! I absolutely loved this idea when my son's teacher showed it to me.

    2. As your mommy, I should've known you had trouble with this, but I did not... I always thought you were so smart. It makes me a little sad that I didn't know your struggle, but; am glad that you were shown a way that will help you teach your babies easier.

    3. Why would you know unless the teachers told you? I wouldn't have said anything. I didn't know that Brandon was behind until I asked his teacher flat out. No one told me. I just knew that he was having a rough time with behavior.

  2. Ok, I am going to print these ASAP. My son has ASD & ADHD and learning math has been really hard for him. He is a very visual learner like me, and I know these will help him!

    1. I'm so glad! I hope they are able to help him! U wish this was something that I had when learning.

  3. Wow, this is such a unique idea to teach kids Multiplication. Great post, thanks for sharing..!!

  4. This is so interesting and such a unique way to teach! I am surprised more schools are not utilizing this!

  5. That's a nice way tool for practicing multiplication. My kids are both pretty good now, but I remember it being a real pain to try and help them practice. And I still don't know mine very well! Anything that helps is good.

    1. I had to use my fingers and a calculator to confirm my answers when making the printout. haha. I knew the answers in High school, but I forgot the answers as an adult.

  6. Oh what a great idea! My kids are learning multiplication right now and this would be such a great way to help them! Saving for future use!

  7. Wow, this is a very unique and cool way to teach kids multiplication. This is a great post. I will share this with my friend for her son.

  8. This is adorable! And a great idea, I had a hard time learning multiplication too!!

  9. This is cute and fun. I will start using this when my now 5 yo is ready

  10. Such a great idea, thanks for sharing! I'm going to have my daughter check this out for her 6 year old. Very creative!

    1. I wish it were my idea, but it was really simple to put together, after finding the right font to use.

  11. Perfect timing for my 3rd and 4th grade grandsons!! I have been printing out all kinds of learning aids (even the cheater charts!) and this looks to be the most promising! Simple and straightforward help! Thank you very much!!

    1. I hope it works! I need to print out some extras because we're doing school in several different areas, now.

  12. I did these same posters 30 years ago, along with these songs so kids could find the numbers without the posters.

    1. Multiplication Motivation Cd with skip counting songs.

  13. It does help with a visual but it’s still just a bunch of memorization. It gets overwhelming for an 8 year old to just memorize numbers all year. Any other memory tricks or songs to help it stick?


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