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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween Traditions- A Shot of Rum for the Parents?


 The town that I live in does trick-or-treating for the kids the Sunday before or of Halloween, each year. Part of the reason is for safety since it's been getting darker, sooner and the other reason is so it's scheduled the same time every year.

      Unfortunately, that means that if the day of Halloween is in the middle or end of the week, it seems we are way ahead of all of the other families that I know and it's also kind of a let down for the rest of the month and it might as well just be November.


Halloween is my holiday. I don't go out and worship the devil or anything like that, but I LOVE to dress up. Growing up, I always wanted to be an actress and even acted a little in college for a drama group called Omega, so I really like to dress up and get into character. This year I was a vampire, the year before that, I was a granny.

      So, I love to go trick-or-treating with my kids and they enjoy having a crazy mommy taking them next door... soon, that will change. They'll be too embarrassed and ask me to stop, but until that time, I'm gonna dress up. 

      This year, we experienced something that never happened before. We had gone to a few houses on blocks that we hadn't been to before and it was really quite a let down. Houses had porch lights on, but they weren't opening their doors for us.  (For us, or at least when I was younger and growing up in a different town, a light on meant you had candy. It seems like if you have candy here, you're going to leave your door open or hang around outside.)

      After deciding to head back onto the road that we know does hand out some treats, my kids did their normal thing: "Trick-or-treat! Thank you!" but then we heard a twist. "Hey mom and grandma! They have a treat for you too!"

     I was like, "Oh really? Well thank you!" I headed up the stairs expecting a Snickers or something, but the guy gestures to some drinks with little shot glasses. He was offering us some pumpkin spice rum and vodka or something like that. I was so surprised. I thanked him and turned him down politely because, well, who hands our alcohol to parents?

     Apparently, this is something that people in Arizona do for parents and its not just a random person, it's like almost all of the houses. My bro-in-law who lives there was telling us all about it. 

     So this is an entirely new concept, something I had never heard of, but it makes sense that different places do different things for holidays. 

What traditions do you do? Are there a little rituals that you do differently? My husband's grandpa told me about what Halloween was like for him as a kid. Back then, they trick-or-treated the whole week of Halloween and if they didn't get treats, they really did do tricks. Apparently, the people of Arizona hand out alcohol. If someone could hand out cheesecakes and puppies, I might just move there.


  1. Halloween is such a great time of the year to bring out the inner child. Dressing up, decorating, and eating candy are great ways to start the holiday season celebrations.

    1. I probably uh love it so much because it does bring out my inner child.

  2. I love that!! Obviously we should all drink responsibly and know when it's inappropriate (driving etc) but I love the idea of bringing parents in on the fun.

    1. I declined it because 1: It could have been laced, and 2. I can't drink that stuff straight up.

  3. Now this is my kind of Halloween, bring on the parents and let the fun begin.

  4. I love these costumes! I'm boring and don't dress up. I mean, sometimes I do put on my Anne Boleyn dress, but it's rare. I'd rather take the kids out and then take half their candy.

  5. Looks like you had a lot of fun wearing those costumes! We don't really celebrate Halloween at home but in the office we did! Our team's theme was Haunted Hospital so I dressed up as a bloody doctor, lol.

  6. I absolutely love Halloween and always have! I was disappointed when I had kids and realizing our city had become so un-involved. Almost all the house were dark, it wasn't as fun as I remembered. We live in a very small town now and everyone is out! They have fire-pits on their driveways and some people even have apple cider and food! Oh and yes, some of the apple cider is ADULT ONLY! We love it!

    1. It's so much fun when a town is involved with holiday festivities. I'd like to live in a town like Stars Hallow on Gilmore Girls. We'll live on the outskirts so we'll have privacy, but know everyone so we can still be involved.

  7. I'd imagine how excited it'd be with parents on Halloween fun. I love costumes and yes, always drink sensibly :)

  8. Wow, I didn't know that happened to you. What did Jennifer think?

  9. You sure do look like you had lots of fun. We usually watch many movies, eat lots of junk food and party till it's very late.

  10. this looks like such a good time!

    1. We had fun. We didn't partake in the drinking tradition, but it was neat to learn that others do things differently.

  11. Guess I'll be the odd man out and not like that tradition. I don't want a bunch of crocked parents running around with my kids who are trick or treating, lolol!! I know a lot of parents who would love it though. :)

    1. I totally agree. I'm not much of a drinker and I definitely couldn't drink any of those straight. It would seem like after the third or fourth house, maybe more if you have a high tolerance, that maybe a parent's judgement wouldn't be where it should be and the kids will have to take care of mom and dad.

  12. Those are definitely different traditions than I'm used to in my area. No rum for the parents, and a light on the porch means you're giving out candy. In my area, when Halloween is on a Sunday, the neighborhoods usually hand out treats on Saturday. Halloween is rarely celebrated on Sunday. I guess every area does things differently.

    1. When I was growing up, we always did trick-or-treating the day that Halloween fell on. I thought it was weird to have it on a Sunday too, especially since that day is usually used as the day of the sabbath.

  13. You look so cute! Holidays are the most special when you are surrounded by your family and friends!

    1. Thank you! It's always fun to celebrate with those you love.

  14. You have an amazing get up, it looks terrifying. Trick and treat is such a great activity. Both of you look great.

    1. Thanks! It's good with exercise too! I got over 10,000 steps that day.

  15. Halloween is not as big in the UK than in the US, which is a shame as it is so much fun! It is great that parents get some treats too!

    1. Usually, the parents don't get treats, so that's what made this unique.

  16. I agree, I make cocktail though once after trick-o-treating some treat for parents.

  17. That’s really funny! I’ve never heard of that! You’re right, soon they will be embarrassed but hopefully not too soon.


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Hello! My name is Brittany and I'm a writer, obviously. As a stay-at-home mom, there are many things that I have to figure out in order to run a house that appears to be more sane than insane. It's not easy to be a parent and I hope that this blog is able to encourage other moms out there to live life happily and to understand that there can be mishaps along the way, but those mishaps don't define you and anything can be overcome with perseverance and will.

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