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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Why I'm Not Like Moana

  If you have kids and you've had the opportunity to see Moana, My guess is, you've probably seen it many times. My kids and I loved watching it, although, the first and second time through, it seems really scary, but the novelty wears off and eventually the scary parts are like, "meh." My favorite part is the scene where the Tomatoa sings "Shiny". Every time we watch it, the kids all stop what they're doing, look at me, and then start to dance and sing at the top of their lungs. If I don't sing along with them, they look at me like I've sprouted a second head.

    I don't know if you know this, but Moana is kind of like magic. I have three kids, 7, 5, and 3. When they get into the car together, fighting is inevitable. One day, the kids couldn't stop arguing. Someone was always touching someone else and it was enough to make a mommy scream... Knowing me, I might have. Thankfully my husband had suggested that we order a couple of sound tracks, Moana being one of them. I pulled over the car, ripped off the wrapper, peeled the annoying stickers that are hard to get off, and popped the cd into the player. When we heard the first few notes of the music start to play, it was like the Sandman came and sprinkled some of his magic sand. The kids calmed down and listened the rest of the way to my errand. Talk about wow!


    There are so many things to like about the movie Moana; the music, the story, the colors, and Moana. For a teenager, she's spunky and smart. There are so many things about her that I would like to be, but I'm not like Moana.

    1. She's a leader- In the beginning we see her as she grows up and starts to train to be the next chief. She was born for that roll. In some ways, I probably could lead, but I think that I might feel it overwhelming and mess it up somehow.
    2. She is strong- I don't necessarily mean muscle strength, although she really is strong. What I mean is, her grandma passes away and yes, she wants to stay those last moments with her, but she realizes her grandma is right when she tells her that the best time to leave, to embark on her journey is now. She mourns for the grandma, but she pushes that aside to do what she still must do. She doesn't use the passing of her grandma get her out of her task. She doesn't user her grandma to make other's feel sorry for her and do her bidding. She instead holds onto her grandmother's memory because she knows that her grandma is always near.
    I couldn't even begin to imagine a world without my grandparents. The thought is just too sad. I hope that when they do pass, that I can move on. That I can continue to take care of my children and not mope around all day holding onto the pain.
    3. She's so brave- Over the years, and I think it has happened more since I've had children, I realize how breakable I am. I see danger in everything. Moana sails in an open ocean with no land in sight... ummm... that's not for me. She confronts a demi-god... again, I might be a little scared to do that. She faces large enemies and monsters. She might have been terrified, but she didn't let that show. I don't even like to walk down the path towards a lighthouse with my kids because there are no sides and I have a fear that one of them will fall off or I will.

    Many of the things that she does throughout the movie, mostly towards the end make me think that perhaps the ocean chose her because an adult would over think it and give up. Kids are amazing. They get an idea and they just go with it. It would be so amazing to have that child-like faith again- you know, within reason.

What did you think about the movie?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Beauty and the Beast- Who Really Needed Rescuing?

  Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite Disney movie growing up. Belle was beautiful and she got to live in an amazing castle that was enchanted. Once I got over seeing the scary Beast, the movie was magical and romantic. Plus, you know, there was that amazing library!

    When I heard that the movie was going to be remade with live characters, I was so excited! I had already enjoyed the remake of Cinderella and I LOVE Maleficent. I couldn't wait to see it and as soon as we were able to, I saw it in theaters with my husband. I was mostly not disappointed and the things that I didn't originally like grew on me. 

    As soon as the movie came out on Dvd/BlueRay, I had to get myself a copy so my kids could watch it. My kids are all still pretty young, so we had to censor for them a little, but they LOVED the movie too. My son loved it so much, he requested that we purchase the soundtrack because it had his new favorite song, Evermore on it.

    If anyone knows me, they know that I like to sing dramatically with the music. I was singing along with Evermore today, when I heard the lyrics, "Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door. I'll fool myself she'll walk right in and as the long long nights begin. I'll think of all that might have been, waiting here forevermore!" It was then that it really hit me; It was never Belle that needed rescuing, it was always the Beast.

   In the past, it was always the women who were damsel's in distress. Even in Beauty and the Beast, to some degree Belle was distressed when it comes to Gaston's harassment and constant pursuing, but you know what!?!? She was the one who took matters into her own hands. She didn't wait for the Beast to come save her, she saved herself. 
   We always see Belle as being held captive in this castle against her will. However, there was never anyone to stop her from leaving. She was always able to leave whenever she wanted to, she even escaped once and came right back after reverse rescuing the Beast after he rescued her from the wolves. She said so herself, she wanted so much more than her Provincial life and I believe that she probably saw an adventure in staying in the castle and stayed because of it.

    I think the only captive, the only person who ever needed rescue was the Beast. In the remake, the reason why the Beast behaved the way that he did was revealed. When he became the Beast, he was literally trapped in his castle. He wouldn't be accepted in the outside world. He also had plenty of time to think of his life, the things that he did wrong. He knew he did wrong and he desparately wanted to make it better. He tries to right his wrongs, but he still has this inner battle. Belle falling in love with him was the way to break the spell, but I think she also released him by accepting him. In the end he says, "I'm not a Beast!" It's just so profound! Yes, he could be referring to his appearance because underneith he's still a man, but I think he was freed by realizing that he didn't have to be beastly just because others believed him to be. It took one person who didn't already know him to believe in him for him to also believe in himself.  Belle loved him, but it was his change of heart that rescued him.

    What theories do you have? Do you think this is true?

Friday, July 14, 2017

10 Books to Expand Your Christian Book Library

If you're like me, you love to read... like, a lot. If it's a good book, you want to know about it. Your tastes in books may vary and you might like to read from different genres, as do I, but today, I'm going to give you a list of my favorite Christian Fiction books.

  1. If you are new to reading or looking for something more attuned to Young Adult fiction, Grace Livingston Hill is a good place to start. I've not read all of her books, but I've received many for Christmases and birthdays and I've enjoyed reading them. Some are romantic and some tell the story about how someone came to God. They can start out slow, but I haven't read one that I haven't enjoyed.
    2.  I like to read romance novels. I started out reading what my family calls "smut" books, but I've found that in my old age of 30 and having kids, I now prefer to read romance of the Christian sort. I was introduced to Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers my Freshman year of college. Everyone on my floor seemed to be reading it and I wasn't disappointed.
    Redeeming Love is kind of a twist from the Biblical tale of Hosea. God told Hosea to marry a prostitute, which in itself was a weird thing to tell a man to do, but Hosea did it anyways. His wife was always running away, but he would always take her back. When you read this book, you will see the correlation. It will make you angry and happy whenever you read it.

    3.   The Taste of Good Fruit by Marita Teague- This book really surprised me. I was given this book from my mother-in-law so it was one that I might not have bought for myself and I'm glad that I read it. This book tells the separate stories of three women. Two of them are sisters and one is their best friend. Each one has experienced God in their own way. The sisters grew up as the children of a pastor. One of them is always involved in church, the other one thinks it's a waste of time. The friend grew up in a home that was definitely not idea and married a man who didn't believe in God. You will enjoy reading as they experience God's love in a way that they couldn't have ever imagined.

4.  Blue by Danielle Steel- Ok, when I think of Danielle Steel, I don't think about Christian reading, but this book is different from some of her other books. In Blue, a woman meets a young man named Blue. Together, the give each other hope and family as they both overcome different obstacles like being the only survivor in her family after a car accident and Blue being molested by a priest. At times, it was difficult to read, but I was hooked on it and finished reading it as fast as I could.

    5.   When the Heart Cries by Cindy Woodsmall- If you are interested in the Amish, this is a must read. I was curious, sad, happy, and angry a lot of the time reading this book, but I was hooked on reading it. This book comes in a series and each book leaves you wondering "Why did she end it this way" and demands that you buy the next book just to see how it all turns out.

    6. The Yellow Packard by Ace Collins- This is another book that I probably wouldn't have picked out for myself, but when my mom read it for the church's book club and suggested I read it, I did. It was awesome! It was suspenseful and had you solving the mystery. This book was much different than the romance novels that I was used to and it left me glad to read it, again. The beginning is very slow, but it involves murder, a kidnapping, and so much more.

    7.    Sweet By and By by Sara Evans- As if it wasn't enough for her to be an awesome Country singer, Sara Evans is also an excellent author. There isn't much that I can say about this book without giving things away, but this book is about a couple who were about ready to get married when something unexpected happens to make the piece of cake wedding more frustrating.

    8.   Love Remains by Kaye Dacus- This story is a romance novel. It's about a man and woman who were sweethearts many years ago, but the father forbids their relationship. Years later, they come back together with their hurts and try to understand what went wrong.

    9. The Sisters of Bethlehem Springs by Robin Lee Hatcher. This is a series of sisters and their stories. The first book is A Vote of Confidence. It's about a woman in her 30s who is disappointed with the candidate for mayor and decides to run for mayor herself in a time when it was unheard of for a woman to partake in politics.

10. I'm going to combine these two. If you are looking for a book with short romance stories, I received two of these for Christmas. Most of the stories inside each of them were really good, although one or two of them I probably could have done without. This makes a good gift or is great when you are low on time, but want to read something. They are The Christmas Bride Collection- which has 9 different stories and The Farmer's Daughter Collection with 5 stories.

    What are your favorite Christian books? I am always looking for something new to read!

    If you like what you read, please share with a friend!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Counting Your Macros

    What does counting your macros mean? I had never heard about it until a couple of weeks ago, thanks to a friend who shares my name.

    Many diet fads out their either count calories or work with your body chemistry. This one in particular does both. You can go to a website with a calculator and they will calculate a "formula" just for you based on your height, weight, and movement.

    I just reentered mine because I'm not quite as active as I was the first time I had it calculated. This is what I got.

    Based on the calculator, I should be intaking 128 grams of protein, 90 grams of fat, 133 grams of carbs, and 36 grams of fiber.

    On any given day when I'm counting calories, I can tell you that my fat intake is the highest number and it leaves me feeling hungry and more munchy because my body hasn't gotten the needed nutrients in order to fuel my body. I might still lose weight because the calories are low, but it's a really miserable way to diet.

    I'm going to try my best to really continue with this even though I'm not a follow through person.  I look at the grams of protein that has been assigned to me and I feel like that I need to eat like a T-rex in order to get my intake, I'll need to eat constantly and it can feel overwhelming.

    I'm sure that you're wondering why something like this works. I'm not an expert, but I have read a thing or two about nutrition.

    Protein is what helps us to stay fuller, longer. It also helps with metabolism because it builds muscle and helps burn fat.
     Carbohydrates- I could have this wrong, but they are like sugar. They get your body ready to workout. They help fuel your energy.
     I know that fats are good and I'm sure that someone else can explain why,  but I do know that fat is also the body's food source and it's important to have fat so your body can burn that and not eat your muscles.
    Fiber=poop. This is how your body helps remove waste and toxins.

    To learn more about your macros, I went to it's free to calculate and you can also get a support system on Facebook. MyFitnessPal is a great way to track your food intake and it will count them for you in their nutrition column. I'll be there and I hope you will too!

Also, don't forget to get your free workout plan on Facebook in the Idealshape 12 week workout challenge!

Have you tried counting your macros? Has it worked for you? Can anyone else explain this better than me?

Thursday, July 6, 2017

We Survived

  I had a friend come visit me this last weekend with her daughter. I was a little nervous about seeing them because it had been several years since our last visit with so many miles between us.

    This was our first non-relative sleepover. I didn't know how the kids would get along or if our parenting styles would be compatible, but we made it work.

    For the first time in a long time, I didn't cater to my children's needs. My friend and I streamed music through Pandora on my smart tv. We found an old song that we used to always dance to and taught our kids the dance to it. (Strikes disco pose*Give me love, give me liberty disco*.... After that, we put on Nsync radio. Our kids didn't complain. They enjoyed having the music in the background as they did what kids do best- played.

    My friend and I stayed up to almost 4AM before we agreed it was best to get some sleep since we had to make sure the kids survived another day. I mean, someone had to feed them and make sure the house didn't burn down.

    We had a lot of fun and even made our terrible pancakes as was our tradition growing up. Terrible pancakes require that you add all of the yummy junk that you like and eat them as is. Some had chocolate chips, others had butterscotch chips, some coconut, and one even had a piece of pepperoni baked into it.

    Why do we as parents always put our lives on hold for the kids? We aren't doing them any favors by always letting them do what they want while never doing things for ourselves. If it's one thing I've learned, it's ok to do things you want. It's ok to listen to your music, to put on your favorite movie because the kids can play. The kids will survive.

    What have you done for yourself lately?

Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Case Against Adult Television

   A few days ago I wrote about the annoyances of kid's television. Naturally, I felt like the next thing to do is write about a case against adult television.

    Actually, I felt the need to write this after glimpsing an article scrolling across my Yahoo page feed. The topic was about the effects of the Netflix show, "13 Reasons Why." I have not watched this show, but from what I've seen in the previews, the show is about a girl who commits suicide. Before she does, she makes 13 different tapes or cds or some way for 13 of her peers/family to listen to why she was committing suicide, those reasons being them.
    It would have been really easy for me to sit down and binge watch this show, but I held off on it. I started to see different posts on Facebook with reasons why to not watch this show, most of them were because the show glorified suicide. It made the act of suicide sound like a way to finally get attention, even if you weren't going to be there, people were going to remember you anyway, especially if that person as involved. People were going to remember all of the good things about you and then they would know how much that you were taken for granted. Since the show came out, there have been a few teenage suicides that were linked to the show.  I don't want to go into debate about suicide, but I do want to say this- If your reason to commit suicide is so that others will finally appreciate you, what good will that do if you're not here? Don't make a permanent decision based on a momentary whim.

    13 Reasons Why isn't the only show that should raise some concerns or censorship. There are so many shows that are out there that make you wonder, "Should everyone have access to this show?". I like to watch crime shows and doctor shows. I'm usually able to solve a crime before the people on the show do. (Although I'm sure they made it that way for everyone since they make clues very obvious to us and show us what the detectives don't see.) We've all seen it where the crime is solved and forensics tells you EXACTLY how the crime was done and that the body only needed to soak in acid a few more hours before the body was completely unrecognizable and all DNA had been wiped clear. Should we really allow all people to be able to watch this show? Who knows which person is going to go out and accept the challenge of How to Get Away With Murder?

    I also mentioned that I love to watch doctor shows. Thanks to Grey's Anatomy, I think that I could perform an apendectomy. Should I? No way!!! I have not gone to school to be a doctor. I have no license for that. I wouldn't give someone a fancy haircut or do taxes without one. Why would I practice medicine? I know that I can't perform surgery, but does someone else know that they can't just do a tracheotomy on someone in the middle of nowhere just because they saw it done?

    Another thing that I think should be addressed is the topic of sex. (Gasp! she wrote sex!) When I was growing up, the most about what I knew about sex was that I was created from it and what I might have occasionally read from a romance book. I know that teenagers were having sex in high school, it was evidenced by all of the teen pregnancies in my school. Sex on screen really started to flare once television become less censored and the internet was easy to access. Is it any coincidence that kids are starting their sexual conquests at such an early age?

    I was boy crazy in junior high and high school. That isn't a secret. I didn't know if I could get over my loneliness without a boy to crush on me back. However, I didn't need a boy in order to make my choices. I didn't make my choices based on a boy either. Once Bella met Edward, her focus was to become a vampire just like him. She wouldn't be completely happy until she was a vampire so she could be with him forever.  50 Shades of Grey- Ana couldn't focus on her job without her boyfriend constantly messaging her. She had to always check in with him or he'd go into violent tirades. Instead of wanting to be with him because she thought that he was smart, kind, and had a great personality, she was addicted to him by his sexiness and intrigued by his unfamiliar sexual acts which were an underlying need to control something and someone since his life had not always been controlled by him and he needed to fill that void. She allowed him to hurt her and instead of running away and staying away, she went back to him because lust felt like love.

    These shows/books make for good entertainment, but do we really want our children to think that it's ok to be led into relationships because it makes them emotionally gooey? Is it ok that they want to be in a relationship because they feel like they are needed and continue to make excuses about their significant other because they think that they can fix that person? Is it ok to fuel a weird fascination that could empower sociopaths? Pyschopaths? Maybe a rise in mental illness is because tv shows have become so realistic that people can't filter the difference between facts and fiction? Good and evil? The moral integrity of this world has become unbalanced and everyone makes excuses for it. "That's just how the world operates today!" It may be, but should it?

    I know that this won't make a change in the way that tv is perceived and I know that even though I'm writing about the evils that some shows present, I will watch them too because they are good entertainment and binge worthy.Might I suggest that we keep these shows to adult eyes only? Can we filter what our kids watch? I know that it's not completely possible to keep everything out of our children's view, there is internet and friend's houses. If they really wanted to, they could find a way to watch something they shouldn't. Can we all just agree to keep their eyes out of it when we can?

    Now, once the toddler has gone down for his nap, I think I shall watch Grey's Anatomy for a few hours...

Monday, June 26, 2017

Complaints About Kids Tv Shows

    If you were or a kid and if you've ever had kids, chances are, you have watched television shows made for kids. There are some differences between the shows that I watched as a kid vs. what my kids watch today. For example: You're not going to really see your favorite characters smoking cigarettes/ cigars or drink alcohol like Bugs Bunny occasionally did.
    Another difference is that the violence factor has gone down too.  Growing up, it was common to see Wile E. Coyote set up a dynamite trap or Yosemite Sam shoot off his guns.
    While there are differences, some for the better, there are still similarities and it's easy to see why everyone enjoys cartoon or regular kids tv programs. However, despite all that, there are things that, as a parent, I could see less of.

Have you ever noticed that in shows no one ever has to pay for things or money is no problem? Characters are always buying things. They can decide to buy a car on a whim or order five coarse meals without batting an eye. I would like to be able to have that financial freedom.

Kids can go anywhere without permission. Have you ever watch Dora the Explorer? She's able to go on adventures all of the time and she doesn't ask permission. Most of the kids in these shows are free-range kids. I was a free-range kid when I was growing up. I was able to ride my bike everywhere, but I always let my parents know. If kids went out and did things on their own these days, authorities could be called on the parents.

Bad guys are funny. Ok, this was the same for when I was growing up, but it should be something that we could be a little more cautious about. Dr. Doofensmirtz is the mad evil scientist in Phineas and Ferb and he can be hilarious, but ew really don't want our kids believing that all bad guys have a sense of humor.

Kids can take on bad guys. When we saw Kevin take on the two burglars, we all thought it was hilarious and knew that we could outwit bad guys too. I've noticed that there are many superhero tv shows out where the kids were the superheros. They should be more focused on their homework and other teen problems. My kids are 3, 5, and 7, They are always playing good guys/bad guys and I hope that if they were ever put in a dangerous situation, that they would just run and not try to fight.

No consequences- Another show that comes to mind is Phineas and Ferb. They always asked their mom for permission under false-ish pretenses and then would invent some ridiculously awesome contraption that could harm them or others. Dora and Diego are always going on adventures and rescuing animals. At their age, they should be just playing with age appropriate things, not driving jeeps.

Parents are always able to drop everything. When watching the Dinosaur Train, their parents are able to drop whatever they are doing and ride the train to some destination to answer their kids questions and satisfy their curiosity. I hope that my kids don't think that I'm a bad mom when I can't stop what I'm doing to always play with them or do something. Dinner has to get on the table, the baby's diaper has to be changed. There isn't always an opportunity to stop everything I'm doing in order appease the children.

Kids are usually smarter than the adults. Can't we just agree that our kids are smart? Why do we need to watch tv shows or movies where the parents are so dumb that they probably shouldn't be in charge of kids, let alone be in charge of themselves.

Kids can interrupt teacher's. Dino Dan comes to mind when I think about this. He is always thinking about dinosaurs and whenever there is a project, assignment,  or he randomly thinks of something, he interrupts the teacher or he browbeats the other kids into talking about/building/acting out dinosaurs.

Kids can disobey parents. Moana, Tangled, Cinderella. All of these are about the kids blatantly disobeying their parents wishes to go find themselves. In these cases, it as always a good thing, but I don't want my kids to think that it gives them the right to do something when we tell them no.

They repeat instructions 10 times- I know that shows do this repetitively so that kids can remember, but watching the map tell Dora the directions 10000000 times can drive a woman mad.

    What are some things about tv shows that you like? That you dislike?

About Me

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Hello! My name is Brittany and I'm a writer, obviously. As a stay-at-home mom, there are many things that I have to figure out in order to run a house that appears to be more sane than insane. It's not easy to be a parent and I hope that this blog is able to encourage other moms out there to live life happily and to understand that there can be mishaps along the way, but those mishaps don't define you and anything can be overcome with perseverance and will.

How to Listen So Your Kids Will Talk- A Book Review

I didn't like reading this book... but I like the book.    I know that may sound bizarre or weird, most definitely confusing.  You see, ...